Tuesday, September 11, 2007

George Howard's presentation on blogs

George Howard's presentation last night on blogs was an eye opener for me. Static communication, via web sites and newsletters, is not going to be enough to quench employees' thirst for information and connection with others. Just in the past two weeks I've seen articles in the New York Times about fashion designers using blogs to get in touch with their customer base and authors, who used to do "book tours," now doing "blog tours." I don't think we can ignore blogging as a new, powerful means of communication in the business world.


Steven Mula said...

Blogs... not the 1st time I've heard of them, but I too was like the underclassmen George mentioned during the presentation... "blogs are for sad, lonely people, etc". Wake up call! Because when I think about it, I spend a large amount of my computer time doing fantasy sports, emailing friends, checking myspace profiles, etc. Only difference is George's computer time made $2MM. Dammit! Seriously, though, wow, what a dynamic world we live in. I'm thick-headed, and try not to keep up with the technology changes, always figuring I'll catch the next one. Guess I need to catch one now, or get left behind. 5 years ago when I graduated college, the 1st email I ever sent a professor was during the last sememster to check my final grade before it was posted. Now there's blackboard, blogs, etc. Information moves so fast. "Kids these days are so quick with this stuff!" I say kids like I'm old. I'm 28! But I never did the IM, or blackberry, or Ipod, etc. I'm still used to the 1.4 MB floppies. I never even upgraded to ZIP drives. So now I have a jump drive (I think that's what it's called). This thing is 4 GB, bigger than my computer, but fits on my keychain. What the hell!? UNBELIEVABLE how quick technology moves. Guess I need to start moving with it. So hear I am blogging. Where's my $2MM?

Carmile said...

I agree one hundred percent with Steven. I have very little experience when it comes to blogs or anything technologically advanced. When it comes to sales, I have always believed that personal contact is the best way to get our message across. After last Monday's class, my tune has changed.
George Howard's presentation has opened my eyes to the possibilities that a blog can bring to a company. As a mater of fact, I thought that it was such a great ideas that had a meeting on Wednesday with our IT manager to begin the process of setting up a blog for my company. Product knowledge, customer service, and direct feedback from the true consumers is the goal of my company's future blog. We are hoping to have the site set up by the end of the year, and I will be sure to update everyone on the progress.